The Experiment

First you are probably asking what prompted this blog. Honestly, it was dick pics. Not what you expected, right? Well, sorry, but that’s the honest answer. It seems that unsolicited dick pics are an epidemic in this country right now. If you’re a single woman reading this, then we KNOW you know what we’re talking about here. It’s always some variation of the same ol’ cliché: You make small talk with a guy, maybe a couple of back-and-forth texts ensue. All seems cool until, BAM!—completely out of the blue you get sideswiped by his sudden need to send you a pic of his manhood (and usually a very unimpressive picture at that).

We aren’t quite sure what is triggering this unsettling new trend. Maybe it is the result of the country’s newfound acceptance of and preference for online dating, and the certain level of anonymity that comes with the web. Or perhaps (and probably more likely) it’s because men in general just suck. Either way, we are tired of it. We pondered over why you never meet guys in the old fashioned places anymore, like bars or…bars. Which then made us realize that when we go out for a beverage or two (which has been known to happen fairly often), we have so much fun entertaining ourselves, that we seem to not notice the men around us. And also, let’s be honest, men in the 21st century are not like the men of olden days that would approach a sexy lady in a bar. Instead they stare at you and wait for you to make a move – either towards them or towards the door because they are so damn creepy. So we have decided to be masters of our own destinies. It appears that the only way to change our single status without sorting through the endless torture of the men online is to be the ballsy one and approach men – in person. Thus our experiment was born.

Here is how it works:

The Goal: We are executing this experiment not in the hopes of a hook-up or free beers (although we will totally accept free drinks), but rather to hone in on our dating skills and learn from one another. All in the hopes of one day meeting a decent guy who won’t send us vulgar pics.

The Process: Every week we, KJ and CK, will head out to a local drinking establishment. Once we’ve got a steady flow of liquid courage going, one of us will have to approach a man in the bar and chat them up. Maybe we’ll give them our number? Maybe we’ll get completely shot down long before numbers can be exchanged. No matter the outcome, we will provide a complete report of the incident on the following Monday-ish. The recap blog will include posts from both the not-so-innocent-bystander and from her fellow wingwoman. We will alternate filling the roles of not-so-innocent-bystander and wingwoman each week and give a no holds barred recap to you, our loyal readers. You will get to review the evening with us, getting a chance to read how it went according to the woman doing the chatting as well as an outsider’s perspective on what really went down, as witnessed by her trusty wingwoman.

The Locations: We have determined three different types of locations in which to meet men:

  1. The up-scale bar – we shall refer to these as the High Heel joints.
  2. The normal after work or casual weekend place – these will hence forth be known as the Ballet Flat establishments
  3. The dive/beach bars – Flip Flop central.

We realize that you will find different types of men at each location, and we want to see how our skills translate to these different gentlemen.

The Liquid Courage: Each week we will also state what we were drinking and how much. Typically the beverages of choice will be craft beers, scotch, and bourbon (don’t forget, we did say we were bad-asses!), but we may mix it up with a fruit beverage or two during the year. The question then becomes how does the beverage impact our flirting skills, if at all.

Guest Commentators: After telling a few friends about our blog, they said they wanted to come with us. Probably to watch us crash and burn, but we like to think it is because we are so much fun to be around. Either way, guest commentators are more than welcome to join in on the fun. And yes, these lucky folks will not only get to act as an additional wingman/woman for us, but they will also get to contribute to the blog by providing a post to share their take on what went down. The best part is our friends are usually…different from us. So we expect to have some unique and fun perspectives come out of this.

Our Hypothesis: Honestly, we have very low expectations for this. We anticipate that we will crash and burn more often than not. But it will be fun, and isn’t that really what it is all about?

Cheers and let the games begin!

-KJ and CK